Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Read to succeed...

Well... If you know me at all, you know that I am not a big reader. In fact, I have only completely read 3 1/2 full books my whole life. Throughout school I flew through reading assignments by investing money in Spark Notes and Cliff Notes. It's amazing to me that students can actually not read a book and pass the class. Anyways...

I'm not sure if I want to admit this but the first book that I read in its entirety was "Twilight." I followed with "New Moon" and then "Eclipse." I now am in the middle of the last of the saga, "Breaking Dawn." I don't care who you are or what background you came from. If you pick up the books and start reading, you wont stop until you have read the whole saga. If you think that you are too good to read them then you are seriously missing out. It is a great love story that doesn't use sexual references and cussing to attract the audience. --So... That is my two cents on that.

Sometimes I find it interesting that I am writing a novel and have only read these books. However, a professor once told me that "writing a book is something that comes from your heart and is reflected in your imagination. Whereas reading someone elses takes obedience and focus." I guess she had a point because I sure do have an imagination. No no, there will not be any vampires in my book. I don't think i'm ready to venture into the sci-fi world just yet.

A job for you...
I need your help. I am trying to pick a name for one of the characters I am writing. To the right of my blog, you will find a poll. Please select a name that you would choose if you were creating a character. Let's just say she is a lost character. What would you name her?

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