Monday, June 21, 2010

Long drive home...

For the past three years I have driven about 40 miles one way to work every morning. I think of my time on the road as a reflection about the day ahead and a relief to be going home in the afternoon not forgetting to silently say a prayer for a safe trip home.

I keep an eye out for different people who might be littering so that I may throw them a dirty look and I watch closely to people who might be picking their noses. It always amazes me the vulgar things people will do when they think that no one is watching.

Even though they don't know me personally, I have become close to many of them. I know that there is a soccer mom who drives a 2005 Chevy Tahoe with a thousand school decals on the back window and when I pull up beside her on the freeway, she is always singing what appears to be an upbeat rock n roll song. Either that or she's releasing her frustration by screaming and throwing her head back and forth.

I get a kick out of the lady who drives a blazer the same color as Chris' car. I pass her on my way home everyday. I have NEVER seen her NOT on the phone. I wonder who she talks to everyday...

It has become so common to see these people that I think of them when I don't see them. I wonder what they must have been doing at that very moment or minutes before that caused us to miss each other. Do you ever think about these things?

When did my life become so routinely fascinating? OR is it a bore that I find my ride to and from work an adventure?

Can't wait to see what tomorrow's road trip holds...


  1. I do that SAME thing!! How funny!

  2. I guess I notice people too but I definitely never looked that deep into it but I'm glad someone has!! People are REALLY funny though on the road I can say that for sure!!
