Monday, June 14, 2010

What to do with a busy mind...

Here lately I have been having all of these crazy dreams that are pieced together in strange ways. It is not only when I dream though. I can't make it through a shower without envisioning different characters and scenarios in my head. It's almost like I have this huge fictional story to write where bits and pieces are falling out of my mind.

Now, I say that to say this. I am one with a wild imagination. If I were to actually start a book or novel, where would I end it? How could I muster up a story with a beginning, middle, and end? What on earth would people find interesting about the make-believe thoughts that are in this crazy brain of mine?

I'm not one to ramble on about myself or reveal too much information about my personal life. Besides, I'm the only one who knows me. The real me that is. So an autobiography about my crazy life is out of the question. Plus, I don't want to be responsible for boring people to death.

So... I'll leave on this note. I'm going to start writing a story and I will see how it goes. I'm sure I will need much prayer and moral (thought) support. I feel that it's time to release this brain from hibernation. Watch out now. Here it comes.

Stay tuned...

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