Monday, June 7, 2010

The Weekend has officially Ended....

I'll start off by saying this; I love the weekends. I think that it is a great time to be rejuvenated and to "wash" off the remains of the previous week.

The downside to a busy weekend is that it goes so extremely fast. If only it were standard for a Monday to be part of the weekend. --That would be AWESOME! Okay enough about that.

As you may know, (Or may not know) this is my second blog. My first one was a way for me to express things that I couldn't say out loud. It was also a blog that I didn't share with anyone for specific purposes (TBA at a later date).

Thus... As with any blog, I'm going to start from the beginning. If you do not know me personally, I'm going to give you some insight into my life. Here we go...

On July 18, 2007 I was blessed with a beautiful bundle of joy, Kyleigh Paige. For the sake of moving on, I am not going to elaborate on events that happened before she was born. (That's where the previous blog comes in) If you have any questions about it please email me and I can explain further.

It had been a long road but Kyleigh's father and I were married on January 16, 2010, in Las Vegas. I loved the fact that I didn't have to worry about who my bridesmaids would be or which dress I would walk down the aisle in. It was a rather stress free ordeal and being that I am the world's most laid back person, it worked out fantastically.

I have worked for Tarrant County for over three years now. Even though the pay isn't great, I absolutely love my job. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to have a job that I love.

When it comes to speaking my mind, I am happy to do it. However, I don't like to put people down to their face and often hold a lot of what I'm feeling inside if it will hurt someone.

My number one lady in my life is my mother. I couldn't have asked for a better one. I have a wonderful step-father (Mike) who has stepped up to the plate over the last 11+ years. I also have a wonderful extended family.

So... I guess that about sums it up. Stay Tuned...

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