Monday, July 5, 2010

A world of Crazy....

I know that I have touched on my crazy dreams that flood my sleep. It shouldn't surprise you that the other night I almost pulled a stunt to be considered for admittance to a mental facility....

I had fallen asleep early and I woke up about an hour later. As I opened my eyes, I noticed something that appeared to be a huge spider on the wall. Instead of freaking out and grabbing a shoe for termination, I decided to throw my body on the wall (as if I was spiderman) and come face to face with the insect. I can only imagine that I was dreaming at first and then I woke up in the middle of being plastered to my bedroom wall. It took me a minute or two to realize that there was no spider and that I needed to get a grip and come back to reality.

Note to self: You are NOT spider man. If you try to climb up your wall, you are a moron. And yes, you deserve the bruise on your knee for thinking otherwise.

You would think that I take some kind of crazy medicine that causes these endless dreams. But no drugs being taken here. Although, sometimes it does seem as though I have ingested some form of LSD. I can't think of any other answer to it. Hmmm... or maybe I need to see a shrink... YIKES!


  1. Hehe I don't even know what to say but that's funny! I wish I wouldve seen that!!

  2. ...or take a pregnancy test!! ;) I always had nutty dreams when I was preggers!

  3. I wasn't going to say that but I agree!

  4. Not possible my friends... That would require the act of sexual contact...

  5. Well apparently you are doing all kinds of things in your sleep so you never know!! hahaha
