Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Read to succeed...

Well... If you know me at all, you know that I am not a big reader. In fact, I have only completely read 3 1/2 full books my whole life. Throughout school I flew through reading assignments by investing money in Spark Notes and Cliff Notes. It's amazing to me that students can actually not read a book and pass the class. Anyways...

I'm not sure if I want to admit this but the first book that I read in its entirety was "Twilight." I followed with "New Moon" and then "Eclipse." I now am in the middle of the last of the saga, "Breaking Dawn." I don't care who you are or what background you came from. If you pick up the books and start reading, you wont stop until you have read the whole saga. If you think that you are too good to read them then you are seriously missing out. It is a great love story that doesn't use sexual references and cussing to attract the audience. --So... That is my two cents on that.

Sometimes I find it interesting that I am writing a novel and have only read these books. However, a professor once told me that "writing a book is something that comes from your heart and is reflected in your imagination. Whereas reading someone elses takes obedience and focus." I guess she had a point because I sure do have an imagination. No no, there will not be any vampires in my book. I don't think i'm ready to venture into the sci-fi world just yet.

A job for you...
I need your help. I am trying to pick a name for one of the characters I am writing. To the right of my blog, you will find a poll. Please select a name that you would choose if you were creating a character. Let's just say she is a lost character. What would you name her?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Long drive home...

For the past three years I have driven about 40 miles one way to work every morning. I think of my time on the road as a reflection about the day ahead and a relief to be going home in the afternoon not forgetting to silently say a prayer for a safe trip home.

I keep an eye out for different people who might be littering so that I may throw them a dirty look and I watch closely to people who might be picking their noses. It always amazes me the vulgar things people will do when they think that no one is watching.

Even though they don't know me personally, I have become close to many of them. I know that there is a soccer mom who drives a 2005 Chevy Tahoe with a thousand school decals on the back window and when I pull up beside her on the freeway, she is always singing what appears to be an upbeat rock n roll song. Either that or she's releasing her frustration by screaming and throwing her head back and forth.

I get a kick out of the lady who drives a blazer the same color as Chris' car. I pass her on my way home everyday. I have NEVER seen her NOT on the phone. I wonder who she talks to everyday...

It has become so common to see these people that I think of them when I don't see them. I wonder what they must have been doing at that very moment or minutes before that caused us to miss each other. Do you ever think about these things?

When did my life become so routinely fascinating? OR is it a bore that I find my ride to and from work an adventure?

Can't wait to see what tomorrow's road trip holds...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Remembering the good times...

Today was a rather uneventful day. We got the kids yesterday and they were with me today while Chris was at work. We went to see one of my good friends in Arlington.

I sat there while we were eating and my mind slipped away to 2001. Even though it was only nine years ago, I remember it like it were yesterday. I remember being younger when my worries were whether or not we were going to stay at Sophia's or my house. I remember having cookouts at Michele's for no other reason other than it was a cool place to chill, relax, and forget about life for a minute.

I remember this boy who appeared to be the world's most worthy however unavailable great guy for Sophia. That boy didn't stay with us long for his duty was to the military and duty called him to Korea. The whole time he was gone, we prayed that God would bring him back to us safe and in one piece. Every time he came home or was back in the states we sighed with relief. We learned to cope with the fact that the military was his life and that we looked up to him for.

Looking back to July 18, 2007, I remember him standing in the delivery room when I was in labor and telling me "Just wait until midnight and Kyleigh and I will have the same birthday." He was just as excited as I was and the baby wasn't even his.

Even we have been apart through the years, he has always been a part of us.

As I sat there thinking about the past I could only hope that the future holds great memories with our best friend, who has always been and always will be "our" Eric.

And then I came back and it was time to say goodbye. Oh parting is such sweet sorrow...

Monday, June 14, 2010

What to do with a busy mind...

Here lately I have been having all of these crazy dreams that are pieced together in strange ways. It is not only when I dream though. I can't make it through a shower without envisioning different characters and scenarios in my head. It's almost like I have this huge fictional story to write where bits and pieces are falling out of my mind.

Now, I say that to say this. I am one with a wild imagination. If I were to actually start a book or novel, where would I end it? How could I muster up a story with a beginning, middle, and end? What on earth would people find interesting about the make-believe thoughts that are in this crazy brain of mine?

I'm not one to ramble on about myself or reveal too much information about my personal life. Besides, I'm the only one who knows me. The real me that is. So an autobiography about my crazy life is out of the question. Plus, I don't want to be responsible for boring people to death.

So... I'll leave on this note. I'm going to start writing a story and I will see how it goes. I'm sure I will need much prayer and moral (thought) support. I feel that it's time to release this brain from hibernation. Watch out now. Here it comes.

Stay tuned...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Car Accident...

(Please read this completely before you start to worry. I am okay. Otherwise I would not be writing this.)

Last night I was in a terrible car accident on Interstate 35. I was heading home from a friend's house in Burleson. I remember entering the freeway, hitting a puddle of water, and feeling the vibrations of my truck pound from rolling over and hitting the guard rail. Once I finally came to a stop, I had to gather my thoughts and process what had happened. It was a miracle that I ended up on all four wheels.

Even after my truck had lost all control, there wasn't a single person who stopped to see if I was alive or if I needed assistance. At that point I couldn't worry about what others were doing.

My first instinct was to find out if I was bleeding. I was wearing my seat belt and I do remember my head hitting the steering wheel. However, there wasn't so much as a cut or scratch on my head or body. I sat there for a minute in silence and thanked God for sparing my life.

A few minutes went by and I could see the flashing lights of emergency vehicles approaching. It looked like Interlochen at Christmas time. I recall a paramedic knocking on my window and asking me if I was alright.

I opened my door and walked with him to the ambulance.

Then I woke up to reality of my two year old trying to jump on me. She wasn't going to give up until I got out of bed.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Crazy Dream...

Last night I had a dream that I was being chased by my gynecologist and her nurses. Not surprisingly, they were chasing me and screaming, “We WANT YOUR OVARIES. GIVE US YOUR UTERUS.” They chanted it over and over again. Now, for those of you who do not know me that well, I am somewhat of a baby when it comes to pain. I remember vividly fearing for my life. There’s just something terrifying about having your female organs removed by force like that. –Yikes. The last thing I remembered was running faster than ever before and then… “Poof” I turned in to a man. I wonder who is to thank for my wild imagination while sleeping….

On a normal note, I took some pictures of my little boogaroo this past weekend.

Stay tuned...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I wonder....

Have you ever thought about what your life would be like if you were a few million dollars richer? When driving home from work everyday, I pass a sign for the Texas Power Ball Lottery. I think today it read that the winner for this week could possibly win 28 million (If they are extremely lucky that is). I truly find it hard to believe that there are people who spend so much money from week to week on hopes that they could walk away millionaires. Don't get me wrong; I'm not dogging gamblers. If you have money to through away, by all means, do as you may.

I can't help but think that one day I will be rich. I doubt that it will be from the lottery as I have only bought two lottery tickets since I turned eighteen. I look at it this way, in the words of an Author Unknown, "The real measure of your wealth is how much you'd be worth if you lost all your money". And thus, I can't complain.

Stay tuned...

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Weekend has officially Ended....

I'll start off by saying this; I love the weekends. I think that it is a great time to be rejuvenated and to "wash" off the remains of the previous week.

The downside to a busy weekend is that it goes so extremely fast. If only it were standard for a Monday to be part of the weekend. --That would be AWESOME! Okay enough about that.

As you may know, (Or may not know) this is my second blog. My first one was a way for me to express things that I couldn't say out loud. It was also a blog that I didn't share with anyone for specific purposes (TBA at a later date).

Thus... As with any blog, I'm going to start from the beginning. If you do not know me personally, I'm going to give you some insight into my life. Here we go...

On July 18, 2007 I was blessed with a beautiful bundle of joy, Kyleigh Paige. For the sake of moving on, I am not going to elaborate on events that happened before she was born. (That's where the previous blog comes in) If you have any questions about it please email me and I can explain further.

It had been a long road but Kyleigh's father and I were married on January 16, 2010, in Las Vegas. I loved the fact that I didn't have to worry about who my bridesmaids would be or which dress I would walk down the aisle in. It was a rather stress free ordeal and being that I am the world's most laid back person, it worked out fantastically.

I have worked for Tarrant County for over three years now. Even though the pay isn't great, I absolutely love my job. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to have a job that I love.

When it comes to speaking my mind, I am happy to do it. However, I don't like to put people down to their face and often hold a lot of what I'm feeling inside if it will hurt someone.

My number one lady in my life is my mother. I couldn't have asked for a better one. I have a wonderful step-father (Mike) who has stepped up to the plate over the last 11+ years. I also have a wonderful extended family.

So... I guess that about sums it up. Stay Tuned...

Friday, June 4, 2010


I don't think that I give enough appreciation to Friday.

This past Monday was a holiday that was severely needed. Then Tuesday came and once again it was back to the grime of the work week. On Wednesday, I can almost count down the individual hours until Friday afternoon.

Do you ever stop and wonder how you can become so content with your every day routine? I wish that I could wake up on a Wednesday morning and say, "I think I'll just lay in bed all day long and watch soap operas." Wishful thinking.

As you can see, this is the beginning of what I hope will be a ongoing blog. There are so many things that I need to say and I think this will be a pathway to release my thoughts. Well... that and my therapist thinks this is good for my ora.