Tuesday, February 15, 2011

To whom it may concern;

What is the point of having a yellow light for people to slow down when the ass behind me revs his engine up and hits my back end?
If I weren’t a “good” girl, I would’ve jumped out and given him a piece of my mind. But… I’m scared of confrontation with strangers. I think I’ll keep the peace for now.

I took Ky to the lake this weekend. It was filled with relaxation stations and cool breezes. HA! Yea right! Like I’ve said before, she loves the lake. I, however, couldn’t wait to get back to reality. There was definitely a part of me that wanted to get home sooner than my three and a half foot counterpart.
I wish I could be in high school again. Well, sometimes. The most vivid memory right now is one of my mom chasing my car down the driveway and jumping threw my car window. She was PSYCHO! She was mad at me for talking back to her. I pray that my child is not as bad as I was. If so… Lord help me.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The day after the storm...

I think I will attempt to go out of the house today. You would think that there was a massive shift in the earth's axis that caused this crazy weather this past week. Ky's daycare has been closed since Tuesday. Ummm Hello!!!?! Don't they understand that this kid is driving me nuts?!

I'd like to believe the roads have cleared (enough) for my truck. I have to admit that I've enjoyed saving money on gas this past week. However, I think that I probably would still have my sanity if I could have made it in to work a little more. On Monday it was 60 degrees outside. By Tuesday morning it was 20 and dropping with ice on the ground. Welcome to Texas.

I would like to say that I got a lot of things accomplished this week. I would be lying. I ran out of things to cook and clean so we'll say I just spent the rest of the time chilling (no pun intended). I didn't have a chance to write at all either, despite all efforts exhausted.

Kyleigh asked me this morning if she could not go back to school. HAHA... oh kids say the darnedest things. I just smiled and nodded...

I will never be a stay at home mom.
Yall have a good weekend! Stay warm...